
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Ahh Pinterest ....

With inspiration like this all day long, do you all really expect me to sew? Ha! I went on the bandwagon, then got off after thinking I was spending to much time on pinterest. I am happy to  now be a recovered pinner.
How about you?

Happy Sewing! Pinning!


  1. I LOVE those pin cushions! I think I have to make one of them. Maybe both. :)

    I've been carefully avoiding Pinterest. I already spend way too much time on the computer.

  2. Pinterest can be dangerous...I love it though. It's a great place to organize all the amazing things I've found!

  3. I haven't tried pinterest yet. But, I am tempted.

  4. I pin, but *whispers* I don't ever look at anyone else's boards!

    I just use it as a visual bookmark, and it's proved really useful for finding tutorials again :o)

  5. Ah Pinterest definitely floats my boat!!

    Too many colors,ideas,oooh that's cool moments!!

  6. I pin, I sew, I blog, I work, I teach Tai Chi, I have fun. It's all a matter of perspective.

  7. All those pictures were great and the last one made me chuckle!

  8. ohhh!!! I just loooove Pinterest, and I have some of your pictures in one of my boards!! LOL Regards from Venezuela!!


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