
Thursday, September 1, 2011

What what!

I cannot believe it's been so long since I posted.
Oh where does the time go.
I have had the tremendous pleasure to be involved in some really great projects that I hope to share before you know it. Things are busy again, but in a not so stressful kind of way. I have enjoyed many new and fun projects anfter revamping my business plan in the shop. I am sure all you etsy sellers know what I mean when I say that somedays it get's a little out of hand.

I am also lucky enough to have some Super Quilters among our Bakersfield Modern Quilt group who have shared their talents in amazing ways. My good friend Pam (award winning quilter in applique) Showed us a demonstration among the guild on how to do starch method applique.

Of course you know me; I like making something new and exciting and taking it to the hardest possible level... yeah well I did it again. I called Pam and told her about this picture I found on Google for Sophie to color.

Pam was happy to help! She took me through the whole process on how to make this a pattern and turn it into fabric. I did not expect how much fun such a tedious project could be. We laughed, and joked around, and it was one of the most fun days I have had in awhile.

This fun little stitchery will be embroidered in some spots to fill out the pattern but I love how it's coming along. I might just be addicted to a new way of quilting . Thanks Pam

Happy Sewing



  1. Glad to hear you've been enjoying your summer! LOVE your applique! So fun! :)

  2. It sounds like it was a fun project (and day).

  3. My little girl would be in heaven to have that! She is a my little pony freak!

  4. That looks amazing, but very difficult as well.

  5. That is so cute! Probably too tedious for me, but I love the great vision!

  6. That little pony is adorable! I love that you appliqued it too.

  7. Look at YOU!! You and I had a riot bringing this little pony to a real applique project! All those little slices of Kona look great! If I can try modern, you can go ALL IN with applique! Hugs!!


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