
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Learning something new

The lack of posts on my blog lately has been very hard to take. I promise though that it will all be worth it when I reveal a few things I have been working on.

Most recently (as in 5 days ago) I started learning to crochet. So far I am getting it down pretty easily, but much practice is needed to get there. I have wanted to learn this for years, as my mother crochets some pretty fantastic things as well.

Right now I have been practicing the stitches over and over, pulling out the piece and then starting again. Last night was the first time I decided I would try and make sophie a scarf. I'll let you know how it goes. Do you crochet? Any tips for me in getting started?

If you have ever wanted to learn crochet like me, take a peak over here at the craftyminx to start crochet school for yourself. It's pretty amazing all the work that has been put into this for everyone to learn for free. I think it's wonderful to have more then one crafty thing that you like to do, and sometimes it's even fun to intertwined crafts to make pretty awesome things. Stop by and take a peak

Happy Sewing & Crocheting!

P.S. If you have not yet picked up your fall special over at Fat Quarterly. My Halloween bucket bag pattern is now available there for you to make just in time for those trick or treaters. Enjoy!


  1. I <3 crochet! Looks like you are doing great!

  2. I'd say you are doing just fine! I have crocheted since I was very little (a long time!) and have posted quite a few crochet videos and patterns and other things on my website. Feel free to stop in and check them out. I love the yarn you are using too! And you stitches look very even. Another great place for help with crocheting if you find you are stuck on something is in their crochet forum. Lots of helpful people there.

    Keep up the great work!


  3. I love to crochet! Your stitches look nice and even. Great job!

  4. I love crocheting! And like everyone else said, your scarf looks great so far! I have just had to accept that I will take apart my stitches and redo them several times. I usually only do this with the first time I am trying out a pattern though. I seem to have trouble following patterns too...I like to change it up and do my own thing. Can't wait to see what else you come up with!

  5. If you had not said it was crochet, I might have thought you had been knitting!

  6. I've been blog hopping this morning and was happy to see someone excited over crochet! lol! Seems everyone I know that plays with yarn... knits! ;-) Thanks for the link to the crochet school! I'm always looking for more techniques!


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