
Saturday, January 7, 2012

Rainbow Dash!

Rainbow Dash is here.....

This week I started focusing on project that had already been started. Things that were so time consuming that it took more then one time for me to bring the project out, get back into the swing of it, and actually accomplish something. ( I am sure you can relate)

I told you all awhile back that I got this wild hair to take a google coloring page and recreate it into applique.
This was the coloring page......

My wonderful and talented friend Pam sat with me for 5 hours turning this coloring page into something we could make into an actual pattern. Then began cutting small freezer paper templates. There were 27 pieces for this simple pony.
The funniest part, was that she had just taught me the method weeks before and this was technically my first attempt to do it. (yeah she thought I was crazy too) But the company and the laughs made up for all the tedious work.

This week I picked up the project again, making the face and officially calling it a Rainbow Dash pony. Keeping with the rainbow theme, I pulled some bright Kona FQ's out and hexified the back. The beautiful rainbow binding I found on etsy, made this pillow the bees knees. At least my daughter thinks so, and that's what I was going for.

I scored in making my daughter think, and even say "Mom your the best"
It was all well worth it! Thanks Pam!

Happy Sewing~!


  1. Your Rainbow Dash pony is absolutely beautiful. I admire your persistence in getting it finished.

  2. I'd say it was worth every minute you put into it. It is darling.

  3. We had a wonderful day turning a cartoon into a real applique pattern! Lot of laughs...."you want this to be your FIRST applique project?!!" Your Rainbow Dash is just darling and I am thrilled you have found a new skill to enjoy! Happy stitching!

  4. oh my daughter is 28 & I think she would still say the same thing!! Just darling! Amazing.

  5. That is so adorable! I don't dare let my granddaughter see it or I'll have yet one more project to add to my list! ;)

  6. Ahh, a perfect gift for your wee girl!

  7. Oh my! That is just gorgeous. I'd never thought of using a colouring book illustration - what a fabulous idea!

  8. This is so super cute! Love it!

  9. That is soooooooooooooo adorable!!

  10. I just Love this pillow! Its amazing and I bet your daughter loves it too!!


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