
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Book Release!

Check out this wonderful beauty. Don;t you just love the warm homey feeling the cover gives you) I was thrilled when John asked me to write a pattern for his newest book Pretty in Patchwork Holidays. 

The artists in this book are pretty fantastic to, and I am in great company here for this one. Each artist has created such thoughtful and creative patchwork ideas, that will get those juices flowing for your next gift idea.

You can pick up this beauty in E-Book version now by clicking here 
The hard copy will be available August 2012.
Thank you John and Lark Books for letting me be a part of this fantastic project.

Happy Sewing 


  1. Congratulations on being included! How exciting - it looks like a neat book.

  2. Congratulations - how exciting!

  3. WOW- congrats to ya, seems like a cute book for quick gifts!

  4. Looks like a fun book. Congratulations on being asked to contribute xxx


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