
Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 Recap

Hey Guess what! I am still alive.
I took a brief pause from my blog to have a little time with my family this year. So many seasons go by with me feeling like such a workaholic, that I tend to forget the simple things in life.
Thank you to everyone who stuck around through my Christmas break.

I reflected today on everything that I have accomplished this year. Moving from Oregon to California, from an apartment to a house, starting a branch of the Modern Quilt Guild, learning to crochet, being published for the first time, sewing many more quilts this year then any other, and finally feeling like things are beginning to calm down so that I may enjoy every breath of it.

Here is a brief look back into 2011
I look forward to sharing the list of things already in the works with all of you.

Cheers to 2012



  1. I've loved getting to know you this year. Oregon's loss is certainly our gain! You are such an accomplished woman with so many talents. I wish you nothing but happiness in the new year!

  2. Fab makes for 2011, hope 2012 is bigger and better for you :o)

  3. Looks like you've had a productive year! I wish you all the best for 2012.

  4. Terri, you do amazing work. Brilliant!


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