
Friday, November 11, 2011

Hey Hey Crochet!

It seems I have yet to share my journey in the world of crochet.

Crochet is something I have wanted to learn for years and years. Never feeling like the opportunity really came about before, I was excited to see the crochet school link pop up in the blog world.

Here is my 5 week journey as tracked through the eyes of my Iphone and Ipad. (love those things) I hope it inspires you to want to learn as well. But be Careful, it's very addicting.

The smiles alone from my 3 year old when I made her a scarf to match her winter coat, was priceless.

Happy Crocheting!


  1. i love the soothing feeling of crochet(unless the pattern is giving me a hard time)...the last picture of the red you are working is so pretty.

  2. I love crocheting! I really like just relaxing and making something beautiful. I like doing something that challenges me.

  3. Fantastic Terri! You are doing a great job, and your stitches look just wonderful! So glad to have another crochet addict out there!


  4. I love the stitches in that very last picture... it is so pretty!

  5. I just learned how to make a granny square a couple weekends ago from my cousin. Totally addicting, but my husband had to just roll his eyes, "Another hobby?!" :-)

  6. It´s so relaxing to sit down and crochet and it´s so addicting, too! You have made such lovely things in your (only) five weeks journey!

  7. For someone who's just learning, that's pretty amazing work!

  8. Hi..Its good to learn that someone has the same passion as I dia..and I agree..its very addicted :)..nice post.. n love the colours..happy crocheting :)

  9. No one would ever know you are a beginner, your stitches are fantastic. Could you give the source for the red scarf pattern? Thanks and happy stitching!!!

  10. fun, i have followed that blog so i can do the same!

  11. GREAT JOB on your crochet works! I've been crocheting for more than 50 years. But, I am TERRIBLE at reading a pattern. I was taught without a book and just learned by looking at a finished product or picture. It can be a real handicap at times. =)

    I've now learned to create the yarn, from sheep fleece to string =)

    You have absolutely wonderful pictures on your blog! Thanks for sharing =)



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