
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Pooches and Pickups {Giveaway}

Look what I got to cut into this week! Laurie was kind enough to send over her new Fabric line Pooches and Pickups. this line will be debuting at the end of the month with Robert Kaufman. If you liked Urban Circus, and Tufted Tweets, you will fall in love With Pooches and Pickups.

The package arrived, and my little Sophie's heart skipped a beat. I am so serious when I tell you she went crazy! At almost 3 she is crazy about puppies, I mean crazy! Of course she claimed it and then proceeded to tell me what I should make with it (or what she wanted made with it)

One of my quilts right now she uses as a yoga mat to do her kid exercise videos. This will now replace my quilt. :D

This is our first quilt that was made together, she asked for me to cut out circles, even where in the fabric to cut them, and how she wanted it to look. Yea I am so not lying. This coming from a almost 3 year old who is playing with my design wall on a daily basis.

This is what we made.

The perfect play mat!

I will add some Kona coal for the binding and this will be something fun for her to have around the house and admire all the puppies in their pickups.

Thank you Laurie the bonding time with her was Fantastic! Your new line is definitely a must have!

Laurie was so sweet that she sent and extra FQ set just for one of you lucky viewers.
Would you like a stack of 6 new Perfectly poochie fabrics. I knew you would.

Leave a comment and tell me what you think about it, what you would make. Just anything that this adorable new line makes you feel.  I will choose a winner on Saturday 4/23

You can stop by and see the wonderfully creative world of Miss Laurie Wisbrun here on her blog.
Thank you Laurie we had a blast playing with the pooches and pickups.

Happy Sewing



  1. I love this set! I would make a doggie mat for our little dog Henry...he needs a new food mat and a pillow!

  2. OH wow, too cute! Love the quilt you both made, and what a precious memory for you both!
    If I was lucky enough to win, I would make a 'man bag' for my 3 year old son to carry around - I'm fed up of him always wanting to carry MY handbag when we're out lol!

  3. So darn cute! My son loves dogs almost as much as he loves claiming my quilts, so I would make a fun picnic quilt for him, with the summer coming up :)

  4. What a sweet story! I would make aadog bed and a few leashes :)

  5. I love your post. So special to have a little one to sew with! I think this fabric is great. I would like to use it to make quilts for two little boys at my MIL's church who are about 4 and 6 and have a difficult home life. I want to use fun fabrics and piece their names into the borders so they will each have something special just for them.

  6. This fabric is cute! I would make a quilt for a dog lover in the family. Thanks for the chance to win!

  7. My grandson's would love this new line. I would make them something to take on their camping trips this summer.

  8. Definitely part of a quilt for my son!

  9. my son is also obsessed with puppies! he tries to convince me that he's a dog several times a day! this would make a great pillow for cuddling with :)

  10. She's almost 3? What a fabulous designer she is!!! The playmat is adorable!!!My kids are grown - but I'm a dog person and I drive a pickup!!LOL Love the fabric, thanks for doing a giveaway!!

  11. So cute love the dogs and trucks. My son would love these. Thanks

  12. I would make mug rugs for all the men (and boys) in my life- all 2 of them!

  13. Lovely new line :) i think i would attempt a quilt like the one you made, so cute!

  14. I would make a quilt for my little 2 1/2 yr old grandson....I might get to see him this summer!! I haven't seen him since he was 11 months old. What a wonderful gift to give him along with a truck to match!

  15. Oh my, I love what you're making with it!!

    I think I would have to make either a quilt for my little girl (almost 2) who is obsessed with doggies. Or maybe some new lunchboxes for everyone, most of ours have bit the dust recently. These prints would be absolutely perfect!

  16. How adorable! So bright and colorful...I'd have to make something for my son and likes dogs, the other trucks! =) Thanks for a chance to win!

  17. Wow, these are just adorable. I would definitely use these to make a baby boy quilt for the next baby in the family!

  18. Love this fabric! I'm not quite sure what I'd make yet, but probably something for both my son and dog. Thanks a lot! :)

  19. I would make some pillow cases for my girls or maybe a small blanket (or two) for their toy dogs. My girls are into horses and dogs right now.

  20. love your playmat, it's going to be so cute! i love this line as well, i have 2 coworkers both expecting baby boys this summer, so i'd love to make some bibs and receiving blankets for them using these adorable fabrics! thanks for the giveaway!

  21. Laurie really has a way with designing fabric. I had purchased both previous lines and they just bring on the creativity just looking at them. This line is perfect. My best friend just found out she's having a grandson and I can't think of a better fabric line to use for his first quilt. I'm so excited to see it!

  22. Your quilt turned out wonderfully....and well...maybe I would make the same thing you did, just love it!

  23. I would make a small snuggle quilt with the dogs running after the trucks...Love your circles...

  24. This is so sweet. I have a baby boy, whose room is still pretty bare, so I 'd probably use some of it for his room, a pillow maybe, at least one bib and I like the idea of a play mat

  25. I love the fabrics used in the sweet exercise mat, and also the fact your 3-year is already exercising! Great way to start a healthy life.

  26. Since 9999999% of the world is having babies, I think I'll be making sweet little lovies for the sweet little babies.

  27. O my gosh your quilt is so cute! I like this fabric but wasn't sure what I could do with it but that is a GREAT option. I think I would like to do something with circles too because it highlights the fabrics so well. Maybe a fun pillow and a throw blanket highlighting the fabrics in different shapes with kona solids as borders/sashing? The possibilities are endless - thanks for the great giveaway opportunity!!

  28. I would donate this fun fabric to Babyquilts. A charity quilting group that makes quilts for orphans all over the world. They're always looking for fabric to use to help make a child feel special!

    Thanks for the chance to win Terri! Hope things are brighter today!

  29. Adorable! I would attempt a quilt for my boys--one is 2 years and one is 3 months. It's so easy to find girly fabric--fun boyish fabric is much harder.

  30. Great fabrics!
    I'd make a playquilt for my first great nephew/niece due next month!

  31. Either a quilt for one of the upcoming babies in my immediate family (still unsure on both genders), or a quilt for my fabulous 2 year old nephew (whose first word just happened to be truck).

  32. That fabric is so cute! Gotta be a little boy's quilt!

  33. Well, my son is maybe not so crazy about puppies (though likes them a lot) but he is for cars for sure. So, if I won this lovely set I'd make something for him. It's time he plays outdoors a lot, so maybe some quilt he could sit down and rest for a while :). Thanks for a chance to win.

  34. So cute!!!! My 3yr old daughter would love these. She loves trucks & cars...especially blue ones. I would make her a new play mat.

  35. Okay...that circle quilt is adorable!!!! That is such a great fabric line too.

  36. Aww. Too cute! I would make a collar and puppy pad for my friends who just adopted a new puppy from the animal shelter... and to make it even more perfect, they brought her home in their pickup!

    rosying06 at

  37. I love this fabric! My brother and his wife are having their first baby and it's a boy. I would love to make a quilt for them from this fabric, they would adore it!

  38. What an awesome design, T! I love all those circles and those two borders just make it. Maybe Sophie needs to join the QH challenge. :)

  39. I would make an isolette for the NICU! How wonderful that your daughter already has an interest in sewing!

  40. Wow- I love this line! My little guy is in LOVE with dogs too (much to our own dog's dismay! haha)! I think I would use it to make him his own little set of placemats (as we have similar colors in our kitchen!)

  41. I think I would make a quilt for my little boy. He's turning 1 on the 26th and needs something a little bigger than his baby quilt!

  42. I think a playmat is perfect. This just spells fun to me!

  43. Sweet play mat! I would definitely have to make something for my little nephew/Godson, since he's the only boy on my side of the family - maybe some fabric boxes to keep some of his toys in?

  44. I love this new line and can't wait to order, though it would be really nice to win! I'd make a toddler size blanket with a large applique puppy on it.

  45. Can't believe your three yr old is already designing quilts! Amazing and fun! You'll have great times ahead as she grows making stuff together.
    I have lots of grandkids at this point, so these would probably end up as something for them..quiet books, coloring totes, bow ties and the like...:)

  46. Adorable mat! I think little Jack would like the same...of course, he does love bins & pouches to keep all his Lego guys stored away so maybe I'd make more of those :) The fabric is just too darling, everything would be cute!

    thank you! xoxo

  47. oh my! my son could use a messenger bag made out of this cuteness! thanks for the chance to win!

  48. That play mat is just adorable! I really love this line! If I won the FQs, I would definitely make something for my son's 1st birthday next month - with 3 older sisters, there's a LOT of pink around. My little guy could definitely use some cute Pooches and Pickups that would be JUST for him :D

  49. This would make an adorable little quilt for one of the orphans our church supports in Cambodia! We make quilts to send to the little boys who live at the orphanage. Wouldn't this just add a smile to their faces??

  50. I would love to make some reusable snack pouches.

  51. The colors really pop. I would make little wallets and purses.

  52. How cute and SO BOY! My son needs some cute pillowcases with this new line! Jenn

  53. wow - i think you have a future sewing genius on your hands! i would love to win this's so awesome!

  54. These fabrics would be perfect for a backpack for my son to take all his stuff to preschool. Thanks for the chance.

  55. This fabric is too cute! I want to use it to make something cuddly for the couch! :)

  56. I'd add some solids and make a quilt for a special little boy. (Just like you... :-)

  57. I love this fabric (and the yoga mat.) I would make a mug rug and a quilt for my best fella.

  58. I would make a quilt for my son. In a house full of girls (he has 3 older sisters) he needs a few more boy related things!! This fabric would be perfect for that! Thanks for the chance.

  59. Love that fabric! My little furfriend needs a new bed... Hmmm.... :) Yep, that settles it! Thanks for the chance!

  60. Love this line. I think my kitties need a new bed!

  61. Love your play mat! Those fabrics are perfect for a quilt for my son!

  62. What a fun line! I'd love to make a doggy quilt for the pooch, but the munchkins might fight over it. Perhaps I'd have to make a quilt for each of them! It's so nice to find fabric that will work for boys that I actually like!

  63. So cute! I would make a baby quilt with a matching pillow if there is enough left over.

  64. The play mat is so adorable! I would do a quilt for my son who loves, "Truuuucks." The doggies are so cute too! Thanks for the give away!

  65. aww! Sophie is about the same age as my son and he is MAD for puppies. He even named his stuffed elephant "Puppy". This fabric would, no doubt, become a lap quilt for my son!

  66. Found you via Laurie's site - what a fantastic playmat! I have made so many girls things, I really need to sew something for the men in my life, and this has got to be the most perfect fabric hasn't it!?

  67. My husband loves this fabric and wants me to make bed for our dogs out of it.

  68. The play mat is very cute.I`d do a lap quilt to my dearest niece.
    Thanks for the giveaway!!

  69. My 3-year-old nephew would love the dogs and trucks, and would have no trouble telling me what he would like me to make. I'm thinking a little nap quilt, but we'd have to see what he says!

  70. I am totally in love with the red pickup trucks!!! They would be the feature in a quilt I'd make.

  71. Love those especially the trucks! I would make my son some bowling style button up shirts. He would freak out.

  72. Oh what adorable fabric. It is bold and beautiful! I would make a super fab quilt for the super fab boys in my life ;)

  73. This is such a happy and fun line of fabric. I'd make a mini quilt for a doggy loving friend of mine.

  74. I just love Laurie's new line - and your playmat is perfect!! I was thinking I could make a quilt for my "unknown" grandchild - my daughter is in the process of adopting - but I might have to make one of those playmats for the existing granddaughter!! Thanks for the chance to win!!

  75. What an ADORABLE set! I'd make a new cushion for our fox terrier since we're having a new baby so we've banned her from all furniture. She needs her own special cushion in our living room. She's told me so with her sad look every time I kick her off what used to be "her" chair. I gotta soften the blow somehow, poor puppy. :-)

  76. Love this project and the fabric is too cute! Would love to win this and make something equally fun. :)

  77. All of Laurie's fabrics are wonderful! I would have to make something to really show off the fun print. Maybe a totebag/purse?

  78. This line is so cute. Especially because you could make a quilt for a girl or boy using these fabrics. And that is just what I would do. Make a quilt for my almost two-year-old grandson. He loves puppies and trucks.

  79. I would make some cute burp cloths or use it in a quilt. I'm sewing a bunch for the new baby I'm expecting in October!

  80. How fun for you girls! Love the playmat, especially the long strip of trucks for the border on the top and bottom. I think I'd be tempted to make new cushions for our red playroom couch, or possibly totally steal your idea and make a playmat for my brand new baby nephew (who already has 2 older brothers that I know love trucks and pups!).

  81. I would for sure make a quilt for the person in our family that has 3 pooches and 2 pick ups :)

  82. Oh I love quilts with circles! That playmat is awesome!

  83. This is adorable! I would make a small quilt for my boys, I think!

  84. You've clearly passed on the creative genes to your daughter! I've seen these fabrics on a few blogs and I think they're so fun. My daughter would love a quilt made from them - she's doggy mad too! Jxo

  85. Greetings, wonderful history
    I want these a fantasy of a fabric too and I shall sew from them a bag-basket for toys

  86. i love fabric that is good for making little boy stuff. I would put this in a quilt

  87. I have two friends who are expecting boys in the fall and I would make some baby gear for them; bibs, washcloths, carriers, maybe a quilt if I could get it done in time. It would be awesome!

  88. I love this fabric! I would make either pillowcases or lap blankets for my little boys (almost 2 and 3) To remind them of their big black lab that we had to leave behind when we moved.

  89. Love Love Love the new line. I wanted to order it today but I see that it is not available until the end of the month. I want to make a shadow quilt (pattern by Leah at DayStyle Designs) with it for our summer visitors who bring their two black labs to visit

  90. I think I would make a new sewing machine cover, needle and scissor book and bobbin book. I love this fabric!

  91. I'm sure Sophie will be a great designer in the future! Love to read the story about how you make the quilt.
    Love this new line by Laurie. If I win I would love to make a quilt for a little boy. Red bundle is great!!
    Thank you so much for this chance to win :)

  92. Stink, that's cute! I'd make a great bag for the dog lover in my life if I were to win.

    Thanks for the chance! Kimberly

  93. My 3 year-old son is going to love this line. I plan on using it to embellish some clothes and make a bag for him.

  94. Neato! It's so hard to come by cute boy fabrics. What a great giveaway! I'd probably make some little boy blankies out of this FQ set. Thanks again! gingerfreckle(at)gmail(dot)com

  95. Diaper covers! For baby boys of course. Would probably applique a car or truck on a onesie to match! Also matching bibs or burp cloths! This is cute!
    ninpooh61 @

  96. I would make a new doggie bed for my Chihuahua! She LOVES to go for rides in our truck, so this would be perfect!

    Thanks for the chance to win!!


  97. I was looking at some pics of this new line the other day and my little boy, age 5, walked by then stopped dead in his tracks and declared 'I want you to make ME something special with that mum!' he loves anything automotive and we have a dog, so it was love at first sight! :o)

  98. I'd make a little quilt for my cousin Charlie, as he loves dogs, cars and trucks. This also seems ideal young boy colours.

  99. This is adorable! I would make a quilt for my nephew on the way. :) Great colors too. I'm not a fan of typical pastels for babies, so this is really perfect.

  100. Love that playmat!
    I've got a friend expecting TWIN boys! So clearly - these will need to made into coordinating baby quilts! :)

  101. I love this line... I have been looking for fabric to make my young nephew a quilt, this is the perfect fabric. Bright colors and tracks, what little boy would ask for anything else?

  102. this is sooo sweet! i love that your little one plays with your design wall. yet another reason why i NEED a design wall. :) i'm 7 weeks away from baby boy #2. and i think some sweet pj's would be adorable. thanks for the chance to win!

  103. I would put this fabric with those i am collecting for a "my favorite things" quilt- since dogs and trucks are both on the list!

  104. It's ridiculous how happy this fabric makes me! I'm going to say I would make a fabulous baby quilt out of it, but I'm not sure the baby would ever get it!

  105. I would make a little boy quilt. I'm anticipating a few babies joining our family in the next little while.

  106. I would make exactly what you made for Sophie Terri and I would give it to Audrey. Cute fabric.

  107. I love it, and it makes me want to take a road trip! So I would probably make some snack bags and napkins :)

  108. Oh, that fabric is WAY cute! I would make a child's quilt for Quilts for Kids, because I know they'd love it! Thanks so much for the chance at this giveaway!

  109. Laurie sent me over, and what a treat! Your playmat is just perfect. I think I might just be making something very similar if I were lucky enough to get my hands on this delicious poochy fabric!
    Thanks for the giveaway :)

  110. I love this fabric. I would make a library bag for the little boy next door out of the trucks and a handbag for me out of the pooches then some pillow slips with the rest to use on my bed all the time.

  111. wow...i just love love love those trucks!
    im collecting vehciles for a quilt for my son, these trucks ROCK!

  112. I just love Pooches and Pickups I can't wait for it to hit the UK.

  113. Adorable! I'd make something for my nephew. He got a dog in December and they are the best of friends. I love the fabric with the dog in the truck bed - too cute! What a great time you two must have had. Thanks for the chance to win such fun fabrics!

  114. Sooo adorable! I think I would make some shorts for my little boy. That would be so cute for summer!

  115. I'd make a 'sit upon' for my nephew and maybe a blanket for babies in the hospital.

  116. I have a sister in law and an Aunt who are huge huge dog lovers! If I won, I would like to make them each a throw pillow or just a blanket for my Aunt. She came to our rescue when my son was born and stayed with us for two weeks making meals and doing laundrey and occupying my 2 year old. Despite needing a double knee replacement which she is getting today!

  117. I'm not really a pet person, but I do think this fabric is really cute!

  118. I would definitely make some type of outside play blanket. My son loves cars and dogs, he would die for this fabric.

  119. What a sweet story! I love working on things with my kids. My youngest is 12 and he definitely has very specific ideas of what he wants. He designed his own quilt too.

    Laurie has come up with another wonderful line of fabric! I love that it can be used for boys or girls. I think I would make pillows. I like pretty girlie fabric on my pillows but the boys would prefer dogs and trucks. I think I can make that compromise.

  120. THis is simply adorable. I would add it to a stash of dog prints I have been saving and put it in the quilt. I love the pickups...this is really cute!!! Thanks for a chance to win.

  121. I would love to make a quilt for my brother who has labs. When I look at the fabric I just think happy thoughts.

  122. The colours are so pretty. i would like to make a quilt for my friends new baby

  123. So adorable! And, boy prints! Love them!

  124. Seriously! How cute is that? I think I would make some travel stuff with it, portable playmats, car organizers, etc.

  125. I would make a quilt for my grandson. He loves fabric and plays with it like your Sophie! The fabric would make a good start of a small quilt for him!

  126. Definitely a boy quilt- maybe a wall hanging, or a bunting ;)

    candy at fiber dot net

  127. I would definitely make that fabric into something for my boys (2 and 5). Maybe some fabric buckets to sort their many little toys that are currently all over their bedroom floor.

  128. My granddaughter (16 months) just loves "doggies", by which she means any 4-legged creature. I got her a doggie shirt earlier this year and she wants to wear it every day. And she thinks all quilts belong to her. I think she would go ga-ga over that quilt, so I just might have to copy your design for her. Your design is awesome!

  129. These are so cute -- a new baby quilt of poochies would be perfect with these.

  130. Adorable fabric...the grandkids would love it! Thanks for the chance to win some!

  131. Thanks for the chance to win! I'd make something for my son who loves vehicles and dogs. Maybe a blanket similar to your play mat (which looks great by the way)!

  132. OMG those are so cute. I am new to sewing and quilting and am so awe struck when I walk in the fabric store. I can never make a decision. LOL I love your blog and will be checking back regularly. Thanks

  133. I have a couple of little grandsons who would love to have a snuggle quilt made out of this fabric. They both have and love dogs and their daddy's both have trucks, so it fits to a "T"

    Thanks for a chance

  134. You and Sophie did a great job! My son is a little too old for this fabric, but my naughty puppy Harry would probably like it for a car quilt.

  135. This fabulous fabric would make a great quilt for a special little boy!

  136. I'd make a fabulous quilt for my 2 y.o nephew :)

  137. My son needs some punch in his room. This would make a great set of small pillows for him.

  138. I would love to make a quilt for a little boy with this fabric, it's great!

  139. My grandson would love something made out of that, his best friend is a dog and his dad has a similar truck. Two year old heaven!

  140. What a wonderful play mat. I love this fabric. I think that maybe I would make a quilt for my nephew.

  141. My little shadow, Hubble, loves the big-bed quilt and I've been promising to make him one of his own - this line would be perfect (since Hub is a pup and loves nothing more than a ride in the truck). How great is that? Many thanks for the chance.

  142. Adorable! I would use it to make a quit for my soon to be niece/nephew! His mama LOVES dogs and this could work for either gender :)

  143. I'm having a baby in September and think that this collection would make a great quilt for the little munchkin :)

  144. I love your special workout quilt ♥ I have three grandsons that would love the puppies and pick ups. My little guys are 3,3 and 2 and their daddies drive pick up trucks. Plus they all have dogs. Perfect fabric!!

  145. Your little one is quite the quilt designer! I would make a quilt for a little person. Too cute.

  146. Lunch bags and some shorts! So cute!

  147. Oh so cute!!! I would love to make a chair pad out of these. :)

  148. i love that mat! i have a grandson that i would love to sew a pair of board shorts for. this is the perfect line for him. he obsessed with dogs right now and pickups are "man cars." i can think of tons of things to do. i love all her prints. i also have another grandbaby (gender unknown as of now) so who knows?

  149. a play mat is such a cute idea! I'm definitely going to pick up some of this fabric. I love dogs so much! I would like a little crib size quilt with a matching pillow. so cute.

  150. Hmmm, what to make....I would love to make a toddler sized quilt for my daughters new room...

  151. I would definitely make a quilt for my dogs so that I can have back my own quilt. Dogs rule!

  152. Wow- what a great use of such cute fabric. I think it is oh so precious your daughter is so excited about this. Makes for great memories and awesome projects.

  153. I'd love a chance to enter and make a quilt for my grandson if I win :)

    kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

  154. I'd make some things for my brand new nephew, Richard, born 2 weeks ago. He definitely needs some puppies and cars in his life.

    emniesl at gmail dot com

  155. Wow! This is a perfect line for a boy! I would make my nephews pillows and placemats with it. How cute!

  156. I'm coming to you from Laurie's blog in hopes of winning this fat quarter bundle. I must have this fabric and have been patiently waiting for it to be out. I'm so glad I found your blog. The playmat is precious!

  157. I sooooooo need this fabric. There is no doubt at all that if I don't win some I will buy some :) My sister breeds dogs and she also drives a truck. I have yet to make her a quilt much to her dismay so I would love to make her one this year. Perfect fabrics....Thank you and I have my fingers crossed XX

  158. I am so in love with this fabric! Not sure what I'll make...but the possibilities are endless!

  159. with a 2 year old boy and another due in july its hard to find cute boy prints! I love these! I would make lovies for them both!! great giveaway!


  160. I love me some pooches and I love me some pickups!!!

  161. This fabric is so cute ; I'd have to make a bag or two with it .... for my grandkids !

  162. So,so DOG gone cute!
    Our sweet Lily would have cute DOGIE dress and blankets for summer!!

  163. Hmm... I would definetly need a blue picku-up truck :)). And I'm fine if you send , with it, some red ones a few dogs. They'll have a nice home here, you know... So, yeah, count me in :D

  164. I reckon it would look great as a little fella's D9P quilt. Hugs Naomi

  165. Love these! Our dog is my 2 yr old's best friend, so she would need a nap blanket out of these. Thanks!

  166. OH So cute!!! I would have to make some cushions to funk up my lounge room. They would rock my nice neutral lounge suite.

  167. I'm not sure what I would make, but I love this set! Anything with dogs is great. The colors are so fun. I'd definitely make something for my little man :)
    skklemm at gmail dot com

  168. i love this fabric! I love the quilt you made. I'm sure my 4 yr old would seize it the moment it arrived as well! We would probably make a new twirl dress, as she's been begging for one with puppies!

  169. I love this new line! I'm kinda like your daughter when it comes to puppies (nevermind the fact that I'm 12x her age!), so I freaked out a little myself when I first saw this line :) I don't have a dog yet (boo. kitty won't have it), but this just screams to be made into a cute dog bed to me.

  170. I also love Tufted Tweets :) A play quilt is the best thing you can create with this cute new line.


  171. Count me in! I got to do a little playing with just a bit of the tufted tweets and thought it was so cute {}

    This new line looks like so much fun.

  172. I would totally make some shorts for my son and he'd think I was the bomb! :) Thanks for a chance to win!

  173. I totally love the cars and dogs put together!! Im especially in love with the small cars and will deffo have to go out and get the fabric. The set screams car quilt for when transporting my dogs :)


  174. Love the circles! I would make a quilt for my sister and her two boys to snuggle and read under!

  175. Sounds like you've got a budding quilter on your hands. Good job, momma! Thanks so much for such a generous giveaway!

  176. i'd make a little quilt... the one you did is so inspiring! love the prints interspersed with solids. so pretty.

    thanks for the chance!

  177. that is absolutely adorable fabric, and if I had it I would make quilts for my grandson and granddaughter, who both love puppies, and who used to have the best time playing in the back of Grandpa's pickup truck!! I can't wait for a couple more years when your daughter is putting out her own quilt patterns!!
    Jenny in Florida

  178. I love that Sophie helped you design that play mat! If I won, I would also make a play mat. I think it would be fabulous to take on trips and outings as well.

    fabricdonkey AT gmail DOT com

  179. I love those!! I would make an i spy quilt, or a pillow case for my son!!

  180. I would love to win and make a cute baby blanket!

  181. I think your playmat is beautiful, any tiny tot would love it!

  182. Love those new prints! My nephew would love a quilt done with the trucks.
