
Monday, April 18, 2011

Fitting In.....

I do not have pictures for this post, nor do I have links to send you off to faraway blogs that I know will inspire you creatively. But since this is my creative outlet, as well as my means for you to all know what makes me tick, I feel it's ok to share here.

I shared eight months ago about how we were moving to Bakersfield California, from Portland/Vancouver area. The journey has been tough, as only one could expect. Coming to a new place to make new friends, and basically just find the exact place where you belong. Starting over so to speak.

Although I have had many activities that I have pursued here, people I have met and have much in common with. It always seemed like there was still that little something that was missing. I always tell my husband that it feels like we have been on vacation all this time, and it's just now starting to sink in. I was very blessed to know some pretty wonderful people in Portland. People who not only encouraged me to express my creativity, but that I could also count on no matter what. It's quite different now not knowing people as well. I can still count on those same people to be there, only it's miles away through a phone call. The difference now between a quite voice on the other end, and a hug make all the difference in a situation like this.

I guess that I just wanted to share this because through this new Modern Quilt Guild that I have started here, it has grown to a group of gals that I not only trust to be there for me in much of those same aspects, but I really think and feel that they are people I was meant to meet. They are encouraging, thankful, humble, and inspiring all at the same time. I feel very blessed right now to have this feeling like I have my new space in this new life.

I want to encourage everyone who has had to move, or maybe give a up group of friends for whatever reason. People who maybe just feel like they don't quite fit in. There is a place for you as there is for all of us. A good friend told me today that blessings come in strides. Although god may not be on the same schedule as you, he is there watching, and has that perfect place where you belong. that place where you will feel accepted, and complete.

We are all different in so many ways, but yet still very much the same.

Happy Sewing my friends.


  1. You don't have to move to a new town to have your world turned upside down. Friends move, or go back to school or to work...I know how you feel and I've never left the area I grew up in.

    I think God brings people into your life for a season, and there are so many things to learn and ways to grow...thanks for the this post!

  2. Thanks so much for your blog today. It is very timely. We will be moving in a few months from PA to SC. A totally different world for me. I will remember your kind words if things get touch for me.

  3. We too are moving this summer...I hope to find a good quilt guild and start making friends again...but I will miss my friends here...lucky for me we are only going 90 miles west...

  4. "Sometimes a plant needs to be repotted to bloom."

    Funny you're posting this, because hubby and I were talking yesterday about our recent move. Six months ago we moved from TN to OH.

    For us it's been a good thing. I am blooming.


  5. Oh, you are so right! I moved back home a few years ago. And although all of my family is here, I left a great group of girl friends behind. I have missed them so much..and still do. But a couple of years ago, I started blogging and found a couple of great online groups with similar interests. And, now...largely due to blogging...I'm really beginning to feel "right" in my own skin again! So, I know just what you mean. But, you said it so much better than I ever could!

  6. Dee You are so right this applies in all aspects of life not just moving.

    I am glad that I could share this with you all somedays I feel things get to personal and then your comments come rolling in that you have felt the same, or are going through the same. It really is that we are all so much alike and that it's a wonderful feeling to have the support of friends, whether it be in form or through a blog.
    Thank you friends

  7. I too am moving soon and leaving my MQG behind is killing me. It's one of the hardest things about leaving. And I haven't decided if I have the energy to start a new one in the new city. I probably will in time...but I have to scope out the quilting world there first.

    The upside is that they have much better quilting stores, so statistically speaking there is hope for finding modern quilters.

  8. So glad to hear you've found some soul mates in your MQG. My quilting friends are my tried and true, always there for me (online and in person!). Sometimes you've just gotta take the reins and start something - congratulations on finding your place in Bakersfield!!

  9. I'm so glad that you have found a supportive group of friends down there. While you will always have your friends back here, it's wonderful to have friends where you live as well. It's wonderful that you took the initiative to start up the MQG down there!!

  10. So great! Thanks for sharing. :)

  11. So glad to hear that Terri :)

  12. Yay! I'm very happy for you. Moving is a huge adjustment, and I'm glad that you want to talk about it here with us!

  13. SO wishing I could hug you right now. I am so happy that you are finding your people there... and that you know you will always have your people here. We love you and I know that I'm happier knowing they are taking care of you. We're selling our house and although we aren't moving out of PDX, it is starting to set in that I'm in for a big change. Your words helped comfort me today. Missing you much!!!!



  14. I am a rare person in that I love moving. We move with my husbands work but usually stay for a few years so each place becomes home. Even though I have moved a few times and I love it, I think it takes 1year before it feels like home and you are happy and comfortable. Every place you move to has things you like more and things you like less, you just have to focus on the positives. I am glad you are happy now and enjoying your new home. Every time you move you meet friends you would never have met otherwise. Love your blog!

  15. Very inspiring! Enjoy your new community!

  16. Bakersfield speaking up here to both Blogland & Portland. Know that your Miss Terri is quickly becoming near and dear to our hearts & that I am SO glad that she landed here and followed through with this dream to start a MQG in my hometown with the help of a couple of her blogfriends. As the result of their actions, we are ALL forming lots of new friendships and bonds and having tons of fun!
    Thanks T. You're a peach! Happy you're here!
    p.s. @ Lois, I loved your quote!

  17. I've moved from Southern California where I have lived my whole life to Montana . . . We've been here about 1 month and a half and I don't think it's sunk it yet. Thanks for the lovely post.

  18. I second Nicci's comments. We're quickly forming attachments in the BMQG and it might not have happened without you Terri. I moved to Bako about 6 1/2 years ago and have been involved with a couple of groups, but always felt a little like an outsider. I don't feel that at all with this fantastic group of women. I greatly appreciate all of the friendship, inspiration and laughter that we're sharing. (Not to mention the brownies, muffins & coconut macaroons!)

  19. My husband was military and we moved 9 times in 15 years. It is hard. I always said we had to live in a place for a full year - all the seasons - for me to begin to feel at home. It does get better, but it's not easy. Sharing things we love with others is a great way to start. I'm glad you're beginning to feel at home in your new home.


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