Saturday, October 31, 2009

Practice Makes perfect

Practice Makes perfect, originally uploaded by sewfantastic2009.

So I took My very first quilting class on Thursday, that is unless you count the class where you learn how to use a new machine. I have learned from watching others and books, blogs, videos etc. I would have to say that I preferred the class over trying to figure out things on your own.

The class was learning free motion Quilting and bias binding. One small attachment on my machine and a sew slip mat over my sew steady table, and I was drawing with needle and thread. To be honest I have only tried this once about 6 years ago when a singer dealer convinced me to buy a walking foot for quilting.

So obviously I am still very amateur, but I wanted to show you all cause I am so excited to quilt again. It's funny how something so small can spark your interest in an old love for something isn't it. I learned many cool tricks as well that I will be sharing with all of you shortly. Until then.. I hope everyone had a very happy and spooky Halloween.


  1. Ohh! Quilting envy! I ususaly free hand but would to see/hear what you learned!

  2. Good for you ! I'll look forward to seeing some tricks , thanks .

  3. Oh what fun. Is the Sew Slip mat the answer?

  4. Good for you! Classes are really the best. I try to take several a year. You definitely learn a lot this way.

  5. I love the look and have no clue how to do it. One day I'll take a class. Way to go!

  6. I too learned a lot from my FMQ class last year. it is not one thing I would try on my own though.

  7. Nice I want to take a class as well. Hopefully sometime soon.

  8. It looks like you did a great job, I need to take a class lol!

  9. It looks fantastic! My sewing machine came with a walking foot but no instructions on how to use it, and given that I'm also new to sewing I have no idea. A class would be a good idea :)

  10. Oh - good for you! I practiced and practiced and practiced free-motion stippling until I thought it was good enough to actually do on a quilt. I'm hooked now! Well done!

  11. Congrats on conquering free motion! You did well!

    I practiced on my very first quilt. Decided it wasn't going to be perfect anyway... I had a blast. Can't wait to practice more!


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