
Friday, April 6, 2012

Sewing Summit 2012

So funny story.....
Having no real intention on attending this conference; for any other reason then because I must hate having fun. Days before tickets went on sale I had a little chat with a fellow blogger named Kelly. She must have said just the right words, cause my excitement just kept growing, and I had to go no matter what.

With my trigger finger ready, I secured my spot for the 2012 Sewing Summit Conference and I am beyond myself excited. Tickets sold out in less then 10 hours. 
Getting the chance to meet all my fellow bloggers, people I call friends though have never met most of them. I have been sitting here the last few days hoping October comes soon.

Are you going? Ack!!!!! Excited can you tell!


  1. Happy for you Terri! Yes, wanted to go, meet you and everyone else, BUT grand baby number TWO has chosen to arrive that week! Next year? Tell me all about it this year though.

  2. Isn't it funny the things that happen to change your mind? So yeah, I'll see you there!

  3. Same thing here - within 7 days I went from "wow - that is coming up again - wish I could go but there is NO chance!" - to being one of the first 50 to have signed up and super excited to have a ticket, be going, and get to meet some awesome online "friendS" and tons of other new people!

  4. Hi! I've been following you on Instagram (I'm klassykara) and I'm super excited to read more on your blog. :)

  5. Horay! I'm super excited too. Glad you will be there.

  6. Sold out! Bust! Guess I missed the boat on that one!

  7. Yay, I've been planning it with an Aussie and another UK friend for several months (as it's cheaper to get flights WELL in advance for that kind of distance) and had the flights booked, the hotel room booked, and then sat in the office waiting for the second they went on sale (4pm our time) I told my boss she might as well write off the afternoon work-wise until I got not only my ticket but the one for my Aussie friend too ;o)

  8. You will have to take loads of Instagram photos for those of us who were slaving away cutting fabric orders and missed the sign up... :)

  9. It is FANTASTIC. Serious love-fest of all of our online friends. I am thrilled I'll get to meet you in person :-)

  10. I'm so excited to be going this year!! It's funny because you feel like you know these people, because you spend so much time with them through their blogs. It's nice to actually meet people face to face. Can't wait to meet you :)
    January T

  11. That surely is exciting!!!

  12. Going for the first time. I'll be the shy one in a corner. ;)

  13. Whoo hoo! So glad you changed your mind roomie! I am SO excited for October!

  14. I'm going too, glad to finally meet you!!

  15. I'm going too and am looking forward to meeting everyone! This is a birthday present trip for me and I'm so glad I got in before the tickets sold out!

  16. I am SO HOPING that I can go! Considering being a vendor to go :)

  17. Terri, so glad you secured one of those coveted tickets! Excited to meet you in real life.


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