
Friday, January 13, 2012

It's official!

I have the best hubby ever!
This line seriously kills me, I just love it. The bright sharp colors and the cute little prints. I am in heaven with this stack. My most awesome hubby bought this for my birthday (3 weeks early I might add). He sure knows how to make the wife happy. Now what to make with it? any suggestions?


  1. I adore this line, I would just pet it for a while!!

  2. oh my goodness. Mine's pretty amazing, but he has never bought me a fq stack - wow. Enjoy that....sorry, I'd have to really think about what to do with it! ;-)

  3. Oh my!!! I love the scissors. No idea from me, because I can never bear to cut into my cute fat quarter packages.

  4. There is a free pattern on the web for this line. Go here

  5. Wow, you really do have the best hubby ever! Lucky girl!

  6. He's a keeper! The fabric is gorgeous! I was just admiring it yesterday in a local online shop.

  7. Lucky girl,congratulations!

  8. You have a jolly good man, I have to agree with other comments... just keep it a while and stroke it on occasion!

  9. Heh, having no hubby I had to love myself for my birthday with these :oD I only just got mine too though, so I'm still admiring them in an aimless sort of a way...


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