
Thursday, August 4, 2011

One to Many?

(New restock of some yummyness)

I must have been out of my creative head for a bit, because now I can't stop thinking of new things to make. I guess that is a good thing though. It's always refreshing to feel your creative mojo come back after a long break. This week has been amazing. I say that since it was guild week. These quilters definitely bring out the best in me and make me feel so overjoyed to have met them all.

If you have a Modern Quilting guild in your area, I would advise you to try it. It's my most favorite part of the month.

We showed off our habitat challenge progress!

(Photo is of Lynn's Project you can visit her blog at Creative Stitches by Lynn)

Then I pulled another stack of goodness for a new quilt that is for my sisters daughter. She wants Turquoise and pink. I seem to be slim on those color choices so this is still a work in progress as I decide what fabrics will be perfect for her.

I have also been swooned! Yes I picked it up last night at our local Quilt shop Strawberry Patches! Can't wait to take a stab at these HUGE blocks!

And then a little more progress on the Highlighter Quilt. Paper piecing has really been the hardest part of this Quilt along challenge but I am glad that I took the plunge cause I really learned a lot. Not to mention I will have a spectacular quilt in the end.

This is what I have been up to. One to many projects going on all at once, but it seems that is how I function just to feel normal. How about you? What are you working on?



  1. I just LOVE your Sampler Series quilt! I had a lot of trouble with the paper piecing and finally ran out of fabric to keep trying. I have done paper piecing before, but it really eats up the fabric. :( I'm feeling kind of stagnant at the moment, but have a lot of other things going on. And I have quite a few WIP's to get finished.

  2. I LOVE your highlighter quilt and nice Kona "refill" fabric!!

    Come check out my giveaway if you like at

  3. Oh I can't wait to see what you do with your Swoon pattern - I was recently swooned too! ;]

  4. It's been fun watching your block pop up in the Flickr group, they are fantastic! I'm trying to get caught back up on my blocks...I couldn't cut the fabric right for Monday's block. Anyway I finally got it right and have it almost done! I've got Swoon sitting here with the FQ's I picked out now I need to decide on my solid!

  5. Your Summer Sampler Series Blocks look great!

  6. Your blocks look AWESOME!! I had a little trouble with my printer, so my paper piecing blocks (2 of them, ugh) are small. I really like your blocks! SWOON - I am sooo planning to do that quilt too. I bought the pdf version off FQ site. Love it!

  7. You will love SWOON! I really like your Summer Sampler blocks!!

  8. Wow, that's a lotta fabric piled up there!! LOVE your highlighter quilt blocks. I'm working on a deadline of a project I'm super excited about but of course it's one of those things no one else will see for, like, a year. boohoo. It's so hard not to share!

  9. Love the swoon pattern!!!!! And the fabric piles....sigh...I just love looking at fabric!

  10. I'm're going to love it, it's such a lovely pattern to work on!


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