
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Show n Tell

Things have gotten busy around here again, but I had to show off a few blocks that have been accomplished lately. I am excited to have a very large break from responsibility soon and have much more time for my own crafting. I am sure everyone can relate :)

The top block is a BOM (block of the month) over at Sew Mama Sew. This is head up by Alissa Haight Carlton one of the founders of the Modern Quilt Guild sensation. You gotta jump into this one ! The second is the Summer series Sampler Quilt  Along. You can view every ones yummy goodness in the flickr pool.

I also pulled another Quilt. This will be done in a pattern called Chatterbox from a book by Boo Davis called Hip to be Square.

My blogger is down again and cannot comment on blogs, but to my dear friends you all know who you are. I am seeing all those beautiful projects and hope to be able to go back to them and tell you soon. I am seriously considering leaving blogger. Can I do that? Without loosing my blog? Does anyone know? uggg!

Happy Sewing!


  1. your blocks are some of my favs of the Summer Sampler Series - truly! Love the fabrics you have pulled for your next quilt!

  2. Woohoo on having a break soon!! I hope that means what I think it means. Have you tried a different internet browser? That's what worked for my commenting. Lovely blocks you've got there, too!!!

  3. Love the blocks and fabrics, glad you get some sew time in, that just means more eye candy for us!!

  4. I LOVE solids and yours look like popsicle colors, love them!!

  5. Love your fabrics for your "Chatterbox" quilt. Your Summer Sampler Series blocks look great.

  6. Your blocks are lovely.... I hope I am not repeating what you have tried but when I had problems commenting I changed the way I sign in - instead of ticking in the box for 'stay signed in' - I leave it unchecked... it means I have to sign in each time I log off but stopped the commenting problem.....
    Enjoy your break.....

  7. Absolutely awesome,love your solid fabrics.

  8. Love the blocks!!! I've had problems with blogger and commenting, too.. hopefully this works this time. A few days ago it seemed to work again on the blogs I couldn't comment on (like your's). It's so strange.
    I'm loving having a break from things that I have to sew and get done for other people. It's nice to have some time to work on things that I enjoy... or not! :)


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