
Sunday, June 26, 2011

A Special gift From AccuQuilt

AccuQuilt sent me another little gift for you all. Even if you do not win this AWESOME go! Baby Fabric cutter. You can click the button below to sign up and get 22 FREE quilt patterns.

Along with updates on specials and secret stuff :)

You can be part of the in crowd to, just click the button and follow the prompt for 22 FREE quilt patterns.

Winner of the Go Baby Fabric cutter will be announced tomorrow. If you still want to enter this link is only for the free quilt patterns. Look at the post before this to enter the giveaway.

22 Free Patterns - Download Now

Happy Sewing!


  1. So does clicking on the 22 patterns enter you into the draw for the cutter? Sorry, I'm probably being a bit dumb.. I've love to have a go with the GO! baby, but its kinda out of my price range! Thanks x

  2. I had the same question Sarah. What a fantastic giveaway!

  3. I signed up for the patterns.

  4. It is an awesome gift! Thanks for sharing! But I still love the GO too :)

  5. Awesome giveaway, I would love to win this.
    Katsews at gmail dotcom

  6. I hope I win! I'd love to try one of these. I can't stand cutting my fabric!

  7. Downloaded the patterns...they are great! So excited about the giveaway tomorrow!! Thanks & Blessings..

  8. I love give aways, on my way to down load the patterns now- thanks- cw

  9. I've been looking at the Accuquilt GO! Baby for some time, would love to win one!

  10. Would love to win the GO! BABY. It would make quilting even easier and lots more fun.


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