
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Goodbye my friend

I have always been saddened by tragedy in the world. Always affected a little by the things that happen to people in some way, and always wanting to make a difference or help in some way. Today is a quick pull back to realize that it can happen to someone I know, someone close or nearby.

I guess I just feel like everyone I know is indestructible in some way. They all just roll with the punches, and figure it out for a great outcome. I have always been the one that says I never really lost anyone that close to me. Until now.......

I lost a great friend today. Although life took us on different paths and we did not really talk that much recently, we have a very enormous past. Stories from when we worked in Mortgage together, How he helped me find my first apartment after a bad breakup. I can't even imagine how hard life would have been at that time without his support. He went on to do great things, things that make me so proud to call him my friend, things that will leave a mark on more then just me.

Dave, I miss you already! I wish now that I would have taken the time to stay in touch. Knowing all the things that you have had to endure since our last meeting makes me ill. I am sorry that I wasn't there for you when you were so sick. I wish I would have just known, so that I could reach out. I just wish that you were still here.

It hurts to loose a friend, I can't even describe the pain. Dave as I fight back the tears thinking of all the things I did wrong I hope that you forgive me for not being there when you needed me the most. Life is never to busy, bills are never to much, time is never to little to tell a friend how much you care. It makes me more sad that he had to endure so much without me. Cancer is not fun, it's very serious, and can take anyone at any time. Dave I will make this up to you somehow. I will fight the fight that you left, I will help people understand, I promise. You have my word! I will never take anything for granted again, in your honor. You still live in my heart always.


  1. Thinking of you in this painful time and I know you will make Dave proud by taking up this very worthwhile cause.

  2. So sorry for you loss. My prayers are with you.

  3. Loss is a tough thing. I am praying for you.

  4. So sorry Terri. Please contact me if you want to talk, as I tweeted earlier I have been in a similar situation a couple of months back. My friend (whom I had not been as close to the last couple of years) died as a result of her alcoholism and I never knew she had a problem until it was too late. The guilt and pain is crippling. {hugs}

  5. Aww Terri sorry to hear of your loss. Rely on Him and He will bring you through in time friend.

  6. So sorry for your loss Terri, I lost my best friend last year, Like Gene says it a tough thing, and yes, the guilt can be crippling, if you let it. Thinking of you, and sending you stregth and courage for now and the times ahead. :) x

  7. I am sooooo very sorry for your heart hurts for you!

  8. Watched the video and what a tribute to the man you called friend.....count yourself lucky to have had him touch your life! Though you will miss him greatly, remember his example and pay it forward. I hate that you are hurting, but take comfort in your memories and know that he is now looking out for you and your family. Hugs and prayers friend....

  9. Hugs and prayers to all who knew Dave... My y'all fins strength wisdom faith, and peace during this difficult time.

  10. Terri - praying for you during this time....I'm so sorry!

  11. I'm so sorry for your loss. Wishing you comfort and solace.

  12. I am so sorry Terri, and what you are doing for him now is wonderful and he sees you.

  13. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. Dave won't berate you though for not staying in touch - chances are that he understands how busy life can get. He will be happy to know that his life meant so much to you and that you have learned the value of true friendship through this difficult time. Blessing to you xx


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