
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Skinny Girl + Irons = Fun

There is noting better then a few girlfriends and a bottle of skinny girl Margaritas to make a Tuesday night so much fun. Over the weekend my etsy shop swarmed with hundreds of orders. The ladies came over to iron all my interfacing to product and give me a good head start on everything.

Although we did get tons of work done, we also posed for funny pictures and had lots of laughs.
Thank you friends for one fun night! It almost felt like our younger days :D

Lynn and Nicci, you are truly the best! Way to mix margaritas and rotary cutters .

(today I have an appointment for a major new haircut and look, wish me luck)

Happy Sewing!


  1. OMG!!! I have to ask. How do you get so many sales? Do you have a secret to selling on Etsy? I'm in awe and admiration.

  2. Those pictures make me laugh. Gotta love mixing crafting with alcohol. :-)

  3. Hundreds of orders??? WOW! That's great. And if you can pay staff in margs, even better!

  4. Seems dangerous, drinking and using a rotary cutter. Looks like you had fun and got a lot done.

  5. Looks like a good time! I think you need to cut Lynn off a little earlier though. ;)

  6. Wow! What caused so many orders in one weekend? Some super advertising or is it just normal for your store?

  7. We proved last night that even ironing can be fun when you're hangin' wih your girls! Had a great time last night, T.

  8. No bad effects from the rotary cutter/margarita mix?
    Photos of the haircut? Okay?

  9. If you pay in margaritas....I wanna work for you!!

  10. How fun! I have a feeling that me with a margarita and a rotary cutter could turn out to be a dangerous situation ;]


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