
Thursday, September 10, 2009

1000 Etsy Sales GIVEAWAY

You all spoke to me, and I listened good.... Today I went shopping for the giveaway and I cannot tell you how much fun it was picking out all the wonderful fabrics for you all. Today's giveaway is a HUGE celebration for me and my family. Sew Fantastic has hit 1000 sales on Etsy in 6 months, as well as having 2 consignment shops, and 19 wholesale shops. I could not have asked for a better job then the one I have sewing all this wonderful handmade goodness. Not to mention never missing one of Sophia's smiles.

For this Giveaway there are 8 prizes (yes you read that right)

1. (5) FQ's Rhythm and Blues

2. (5) FQ's Kiwi and Pink

3. (5) FQ's Pillow and Maxfield

4. (5) FQ's Santorini by Moda

5. Vintage Kitchen Carryall Clutch

6. Purple Blooms Carryall Clutch

7. Crayon wallet (choice)

8. Crayon wallet (choice)


Here's how you can win
Please leave a comment for each request.

1 Entry
for leaving a comment or post with a back to school story.

1 Entry
for following me here at Sew Fantastic

1 Entry
for Following me on Twitter

3 Entries
for blogging about this giveaway and linking back.

10 Entries
for any purchase from the shop
(please make sure you let me know it was you)

Giveaway is open as posted and will end on Wednesday September 16th
You can possibly win more then one prize. Open to everyone including international.



  1. follower
    throuthehaze at gmail dot com

  2. follow on twitter @throuthehaze
    throuthehaze at gmail dot com

  3. What a great giveaway! Count me in!

  4. Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance.

    My school story is a bit son just started his senior year of high school and I dread what awaits me this time next year.

  5. I follow your blog... I hear your tweets.. as for back to school? its been a few years about 13 since my college days. But I love it when the neighborhood kids go back to school. Can I shamelessly steal your graphic for my blog?

  6. Cograts on the sales! No kids, and both my hubby and I are done with school for the time being, so no great story... but I do know school is back in session because if I don't leave by 8am, it will take me an hour (versus 30-35 mins) to get to work!

  7. Plus I'm one of the 321 subscribers in Google Reader... you post 3.5 times per week, BTW!

  8. I am a follower

  9. Wasn't back to school at our house, but first day EVER at school. My 3 year started preschool, week three and there are still tears. The teachers swear to me she stops about after 10 minutes. Oh and a funny side note she would only eat her lunch, up until today, if the teacher fed it to her!

  10. Yup, I'm a follower, and glad to be! Thank You for a "fantastic" giveaway.

  11. School: I've taughter preschool in my home for 13 years! I've loved it, it went so well with raising a family, BUT now I'm not teaching so I'm a little sad at the beginning of school.

  12. I am a follower, and love your blog.

  13. hi!! great giveaway :))
    I'm a blog follower, and in twitter :))
    count me in, please :)))))))))
    hugs Isabel

  14. The display almost looks like a color wheel. Beautiful!

    I am already a follower of your great blog.

  15. I'm a follower and a twitterer. Love your blog.
    My back to school story is about me. This was a long time ago, but it wouldn't happen today. We must have had 7 kids on my block that all walked to school together. That's right. We walked about 8 blocks, even in 1st grade. On the first day, all the parents were out with their movie cameras taking pictures of us as we went down the sidewalk, meeting up with the kids from the next house, all of us swinging our new lunch boxes. We still have that movie, and I have since put it on a VCR. Inspires me to go have a look again.

  16. Fun fun fun!!! I follow you blog...:)

  17. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  18. I'm following you know!

  19. Well, my kids are all under 4, and here in Australia our school year doesn't end until December. My daughter has recently started Kindy though and I love saying goodbye and only having 2 little ones for 3 hours! It is my form of bliss! Easily pleased hey!

  20. I follow your blog too! Whatever happened with the coin swap? I thing you should still do it!

  21. I remember my first day of Jr High...(do they even HAVE Jr High anymore??). After Geometry class I headed to my locker, gathered my books for homework and headed outside to board the bus home. BUT...there were no buses. I stood there for what seemed liked hours before I realized I had one more class before school was out... I hurried back to the doors, but they were locked, (from the outside only). I had to bang on the doors until a nearby teacher heard me and let me in. I was of course late to class and had to stand in front of the class and tell why... I was mortified...

  22. I follow you on twitter as well!

  23. Blogged here -

  24. Happily I am a follower and enjoy your blog, Congratulations on your 1000 th sale. Hard work does pay off. Story, well my dh and I at 73 and 71 have started w/ school all over again. My dtr is a single Mom w. 2 school age kids. She works so Papa and I get them off the bus, go on class trips. sometimes help w/ homework etc. I am not complaining, I enjoy them, it keeps us young... Thank God we are here and able to do it.

  25. Hello I am your follower and please count me in your giveaway. Thanks!

  26. Congrats on 1000 sales! I am a happy customer a few months back of your crayon wallet pattern and it is a hit. My kids love it.

    Hmmm....back to school, eh? Right now I'm a teacher who didn't go back to school this year because I'm at home (and loving it) with my two wee ones.

  27. I just made a purchase too! My etsy user name is EdanRose. I am going to use this for a handmade challenge that I am a part of. Can't wait to get into it!

  28. Thanks for a great giveaway! I'm a follower of your great blog!

  29. Following you on Twitter now (as GoodDayDesigns, Teresa T.) YAY!

  30. And, just blogged about your giveaway over at!

  31. I remember walking to school with my sisters and the first day of school it always seemed like such a long walk. Probably was a long walk compared to what kids walk now or what I would think woudl be OK for my own kids to walk!! But I have lots of good memories of walking to and from 2 sisters and I would set off and pick up anywhere between 5 and 7 kids along the way. Fun times!
    Thank you for hosting an amazing giveaway, Im proud to be one of your 1000 sales!

  32. Wow what a great giveaway. The best thing I remember about back to school was all the great new paper and pencils. I loved the fresh supply of school supplies. It was like a new slate for the new year.

  33. And I am already a follower of your blog :-)

  34. I'm a follower!!!!

    You wanted a back to school story: My 3rd child entered Kindergarten this year at it hit me harder than I expected it to. On his first day, he was all settled in his seat, coloring on his first school project. he looked up at me with sweet blue eyes and told me to leave! He was ready for school. I cried the whole way home.

  35. This is great! I follow you on twitter :o)


  36. Fantastic giveaway!! Thanks so much for your generosity.

  37. By the way, congrats on your 1000th sale, quite an accomplishment! I already am a faithful follower and will be blogging about it on Sat.

  38. I blogged about your giveaway:


  39. I am a follower and I want to be counted in on the giveaway. WOW!!


  40. I'm a follower and love the looks of your wonderful giveaway!


  41. I also follow you on Twitter, and really hope you pick me for one of those wonderful prizes!


  42. My back to school story is that I'm completing my final internship in an elementary school before completing my Master's degree in education. The more exciting thing is that I'm interning at my old elementary school and my grade's team leader was my very own 3rd grade teacher! It's been a great back to school experience for me! :D

  43. A back to school little guy just started 1st grade this year and it is his first full-day experience. He loves it, looks forward to it every day, talks non-stop on the way home about every little detail especially lunch! After his first day of school, I asked him what he had for lunch and he told me, then I asked him what he had to drink and he said...I could pick from orange juice, white milk or chocolate milk and I picked the one in the red carton, but it was white milk and I thought it would be chocolate. So I asked him what color carton the chocolate milk came in, and he looked at me with the most unbelieving look on his face and said BROWN! Can you believe it...chocolate milk comes in a brown carton! That didn't seem to make any sense to him at all. But now he knows.

    Once again, fabulous giveaway! Glad your sales are going well!


  44. Wow - that is very generous of you!!! What a great giveaway!!
    Oh and I follow your blog via Google Reader

  45. Oh my what a giveaway, first congrats on all your success!!! Back to school story, for me, to ols to remember, for the kids, I really do not like back to school, I am a summer gal and want my kids home.

  46. PS does it matter that my birthday is September 16th!!

  47. I am now a follower! Your blog is fantastic. Congratulations on 1000 sales!
    Have a Blessed Day,

  48. i follow... what an awesome giveaway! Congrats on your 1000th sale!

  49. My daughter is preschool age, and we don't send her yet, but she said her ABC's solo for the first time the other day... Does that count? :)

  50. Awesome!Put me in the hat too please.

  51. First off, CONGRATULATIONS! You have really accomplished some amazing things! I think that's wonderful!

    I have a back-to-school post on my blog about homework boards. They have saved me! You can find it at

  52. I am following you on twitter as well!

  53. What a lovely giveaway. TY for sharing. TTFN ~ Marydon

  54. My 4 year old will be starting preschool on Monday and tonight we went to her orientation!!! I am WAY more nervous than she is!

  55. And I am following you on Twitter!

  56. My 4 year old son with autism rides the bus to school. I went to wake him up... "Do you want to go to school?" He told me "No, I sleep. Good Night."

  57. Wow! Awesome giveaway, very generous! I follow and read on my googlereader :) I brought my 3 year old to his preschool and he likes it but really doesn't get that he has to leave his shoes on even though he is inside and there is CARPET! Those preschool teachers must think I'm really vigilant about the shoes in the house rule.

  58. Yay!! I love giveaways! OK....we homeschool so our big back to school story is about the first day of school---it is ALWAYS a field trip! It's a great way to kick off the new school year!

  59. I follow!!!

  60. I blogged about your giveaway and used a link to this entry!
    Thank you!!

  61. Congratulations on your milestone in the short time.

    I am a follower of your blog.

  62. My back to school after 15yrs to do my master's program - was fun but by the time I was sitting for my last day of exams, I was like a dead horse.

  63. My back to school story is that this year I have one child in elementary school one in middle school and one in high school so all I do is drive in circles all day. Good thing I have some hand projects in the car with me lol!

  64. I am also following you on Twitter now woo hoo!

  65. Awesome giveaway and congratulations on your etsy sales :)

    I'm already a follower here.

  66. Now following on twitter as well :)

  67. Wow! What an awesome celebration and we get the blessings of it! Congrats again on that 1000th sale. Thanks for sharing with us. =)

  68. I follow you on twitter!

  69. Hi Terri,
    I love your blog and store. I've been a follower for ages. :)
    I've added your giveawy to my blog sidebar.
    Hugs, Cass

  70. Hi, I am buyer 'microbio' for TODAY ONLY DAILY DEAL large fabric scrap bag bought on 5 Sep from your Etsy shop. Please count me in and tks for this wonderfull chance !
    Good luck to all partcipants :))))

  71. My back to school story began like this. My daughter stood at her financial aid office line for hours only to be told when they opened up that only 20 students would be seen on that they. The security guards told her to come the next day at 4 am ( yep, you read that tight)to start the line.
    I called abc action news since this was unheard of to stand outside at 4am to pay your tuition. The news arrived for 2 days in a row and every student was able to pay their tuition on time without being dropped. That is how my school year started.
    Great giveaway and congratulations on all your sales. I signed up as a follower too.

  72. Congrats, I wish I had a back to school story to share with you.

  73. What a great giveaway!! I also follow you using my wonderful Google Reader!!

  74. Wow what an awesome giveaway! i am keeping my fingers crossed for that vintage kitchen carryall clutch!! although everything you have picked is just stunning!!

    no big back to school stories here...i have a first grader and a kindergartner and they both love it...although they don't having to go to bed when the sun is up!

    Congrats on the 1000 sales...what an accomplishment!!

  75. of course, i follow your blog in google reader!

  76. i am following you on twitter too!

  77. I have P.M.S. (paranoid mother syndrom) and this is my baby's first time at school--need I say more?!!!
    so sad :(

    If you would like more detail on my craziness you can read this blog post...

  78. Hmmm, I really can't think of a back to school story. My parents raised independent little kids, so there was usually no trauma or major issues with back to school time...just hop on the bus and away we went.

  79. i just made a purchase in your etsy shop!! my etsy username is robinheartsquilts!

    *fingers crossed**

  80. My back to school story, is my own. I went back to school on september 1.
    Great giveaway!

  81. And I follow your great blog :-)

  82. I follow your blog on Google Reader. I started 1st grade 55 years ago. The sight/smell of a brand new box of crayons, new pencil and fresh new tablet still remains with me to this day. I remember my first day of school like it was yesterday. I had a new black and white check dress with a white blouse underneath and have a photo of me and my older brother on our front steps before school. We walked 4 blocks to school most mornings and many times home for a hot cooked lunch as well. And this year my only granddaughter started first grade as well. She had the same excitement about the first day and her new school supplies as I did! I was so happy to see that excitement about learning.

  83. My baby went to preschool for the first time this week. Never did I think that at 2 years old my boy would be so brave and strong!! He is definitely not his mama. He ran right in and joined in the fun, never looking back to see who he was leaving behind. Thankfully he was overjoyed to see me at the end of the morning and gave me the biggest hug ever. Bittersweet.

  84. I am also a follower of this awesome blog.

  85. I want I want!! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!! Congrats on the 1000th sale!!

  86. I am a follower of your blog...YEAH!! I look at it everyday as my morning routine!!

  87. I blogged about your giveaway on my blog!!


  88. My own back to school story: In fourth grade, we moved to a NEW town and I hadn't had a chance to make any new friends before the school year because we were out in the country with no other kids around. I decided I would wear this outrageous outfit, NEON green shirt, NEON pink, orange and green tiered skirt, two different socks NEON green and pink, NEON pink and green bows above my two pigtails. It did NOT go well. Ugh! What was I thinking!?

  89. We are back at school, here at home. I homeschool my 2 children-1 1st grade and 1 preK. I am loving it! I love watching my children grasp a concept and know that I helped do that. A great accomplishment for me was teaching my daughter to read, it helped me realize that I can teach my children.
    I hope I receive a gift!! I am new to quilting and trying to build my stash for Xmas projects!
    follow my blog at
    Thanks Nancy

  90. Wow! What a haul! I'd love to win.
    Back to school story- When I was between the years of 8-11, I would plan out my first day of school outfit. Ok actually I did this every year for the first day of school. But during those years I took it one step further and laid them all out on the floor like I would wear them. So it looked like a chalk drawing filled in with clothes. Accessories included. It was fun. Thanks for the giveaway.
    spackattak7 at hotmail dot com

  91. congratulations on 1000 sales!
    thanks for the opportunity to win this great giveaway!
    no back to school story here since my 3 year old goes to year round Montessori preschool.

  92. Well, I already follow you (love your stuff!)

    And a fun back to school story ... hmm. I am just loving school for the first time. My son started Kindergarten and L.O.V.E.S. it. It is wonderful. He is already coming home and coloring and writing much better. Amazing. School is fun!

  93. I follow!

    And a back to school story---I am always trying to borrow my friends' kids this time of year because I LOVE school supplies (mmmm fresh notebooks, folders, pens, etc) and have absolutely no reason to shop for them myself.

  94. Wow, congrats on such a wonderful milestone!!!

    What a lovely and generous person you to share your joy with such a super giveaway!!

    Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

  95. I already follow!!!

    Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

  96. I follow your blog through Google Reader. I just started following you on Twitter.

    I always remember standing for a photo in front of the door on the first day of school. The picture I remember the best is from Kindergarten and I was so proud of my wee little backpack.

  97. My first grader (first whole day of school ever!) had homework on the first day of school with a couple of days to complete it. It was an "about me" type worksheet. It asked for her name, phone number, favorite activities etc. Then she came to the line "I live at: _______." and ofcourse she wrote 'home' instead of her address. :)

    I followed the flickr link to your blog at designer swappy-poo. I'm adding you to my list of blogs to follow. Thanks!

  98. Hey,
    Your crayon wallets are so cute and so is your shop! Congrats on 1000 sales, that's amazing! (By the way, I have a little Etsy shop too, hope you'll stop by) I don't have any back to school stories either. Well, my husband's a teacher and he started back to school so now I hardly see him until the weekend! But that's not really a funny story, is it. I'll sign up to follow you too. Congrats again!


  99. Congratulations on 1000 sales. My school story is that my only daughter fell asleep on the school bus on the way home and no one noticed until the bus driver was sweeping the bus back in the bus garage - NOT EVEN HER OLDER BROTHER! This event of twenty years ago still upsets me when I think about it.

  100. Congratulations!!!!! Off to your shop!

  101. Congratulations on all those sales! It's so nice to get back into the routine that school term brings. Early mornings, and sewing time!

    Fabulous give away, great prizes.
    I'm a follower too!

  102. I follow your blog :)


  103. I purchased a crayon wallet for my niece's b-day. So Cute! She will love it :)


  104. I am totally in love with your blog.

  105. I haven't been back to school in awhile, but I always remember those awkward first day pictures! Really, mom? Did you need one for every single awkward stage?!

    Sarah @

  106. Follower!

    Sarah @

  107. I follow you on Twitter too!

    Sarah @

  108. Love your blog, love the lively colors of the FQ's. Would love to win.

  109. I can't think of any specific school stories except going back to school with new clothes- a silver vest I think - when I was 11. ;-)

  110. I'm a follower. Absolutely fantastic giveaway. Thanks! dmj53(at)hotmail(dot)com

  111. I'd love to be entered into your generous giveaway! Congratulations on 1000 sales!

    My favorite back to school memory is of going out to breakfast with my son every year on the first day of school. Just the 2 of us.

  112. how generous. I'm so happy there are people like you in the world. You make my day.

  113. I now follow you on twitter. I just love that site.

  114. you rock rock rock.. back to school, always the struggle to keep the clothes new or to wear them before school starts because they are so darn cute I cant NOT .. ;-) I follow you all over the place.. here.. twitter.. at ross ;-)

  115. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway. Back to school means winter is not far off ugh! I love having the kids around the neighborhood all summer.

  116. I love your blog! This fall, I started my student teaching!! I'm very excited to become a teacher and try out all my craftiness I have learned from you...

  117. I am also a follower!! Everyday maybe three times a day :)

  118. great giveaway! thanx for the chance

    i follow you here and on Twitter. son #2 told everyone that his name is chuck norris. now all the teachers(including ones his older brother have) are calling him chuck as a nickname

  119. Popped over from swappy poo to say congratulations on 1000 sales! Well my back to school story is from the other side so to speak. As a secondary school teacher I love the start of term when I see all the students coming in to school in their new shiny uniforms - the look so good, especially the littles. The other thing I enjoy doing is looking through my class lists for the most unusual/best name! Thanks for such a cool giveaway xx

  120. Congratulations on your 1000 sales. Have become a follower, and hope to see more of your success

  121. I follow you on Twitter (Scruffstone).

  122. I've just blogged about this giveaway here :-

  123. Hi Terri, I just blogged about it!!

  124. Just found you and started following right away. WOW your blog is great!!


  125. Back to school story? Well, I don't have kids, so no cute stories there. And when I think back to my first days of school it was just exciting to get all the new clothes and supplies and see all my friends again. So every year when I go to Wal-Mart and there are all the notebooks, crayons, pens and pencils, etc. staring at me, I just want to buy a bunch of it even though I have no one to buy for:)

  126. Kiwi and pink please!
    Back to school story: I remember when I was going into sixth grade. I saved my babysitting money to buy new outfits and shoes for myself as money was tight in our family. I was so proud of the purchases I bought and can still remember most of shorts, a white top with blue sea shells on, white nike shoes with a pink swoosh and a white-pink-blue barrett. Funny how I remember my back-to-school purchases from so long ago. I was so proud to help out my family and to be so self-sufficient.

  127. I blogged about it #1

  128. Oh, how nice! I love give-awys and I have registered me as a follower. My english is not good but I have no problem to read english, so to tell a story about being back to school is to hard! But I have to tell my son is back to university. He is going to be a teacher and I am very happy he is back, because then I am having a lot more time to sew!!!!!

    Ann-Christin in Sweden

  129. Terri,
    Going back to school is a regular event for me as I am a kindergarten teacher by profession- For 32 years I have opened my classroom to 4 and 5 years with bright eyes, smiles, tears ( often on the moms and dad who entrust me with their precious cargo for the next 10 months) Each year is the same and it is different- the newness and the anticipation and busyness is always the same- Each class has a different flavor and it still is enjoyable and exciting each fall.

    It is a lovely giveaway that you are hosting- Congratulations on your successful etsy business- it is an accomplishment that you can be proud of.
    Regards from a Western Canadian quilter,

  130. I follow you in my Google Reader, does that count? If that's a yes: please count me in ^_^

  131. This is so cool that you are doing a giveaway!! I love your blog! I hope I win!! haha

  132. Yay!! I really want a carryall clutch--Purple Blooms is my favorite!

    Yesterday was the first day of the homeschool co-op where I teach--the room I was in was very distracting to one little boy in particular. Anyone would be distracted, though. There is seriously a playground and big yellow slide in the room! It was very interesting to teach history in that environment. =)

  133. I'm a follower!

    I forgot to leave my email address in my last comment, I didn't know if you needed it...

    thesweetestpetunia [at] gmail [dot] com

  134. I'm a follower! Love your blog and shop and hope to have moola to shop soon or maybe win the giveaway!

  135. No "great" BTS stories here. Hubby is in his 4th year of Seminary working on his M.Div....we have about 2.5-3 more years to go...My BTS story will be when he is no long going back to school, lol


  136. I'm now following on twitter (terralj) thanks!

  137. This is fantastic, I am a follower of your blog and have just plaeced an order too.

    please put me in your draw and good luck with everything

  138. My school story happened years ago. The very first day I started school also happened to be my birthday. I cried and cried because I wanted to celebrate my birthday I didn't want to go to school.

  139. Wow! Congratulations! THat is fantastic! I always wondered how people did on etsy with fees and everything. Glad to hear you are successful. Great prizes. My youngest just left for her first year of college so no more school stories. I'm loving my time alone with hubby...after 30 years..I'm so ready!

  140. I subscribe to you via Bloglines and am a follower.

  141. Congratulations on 1000 sales!

    Back to school story: Well, we homeschooled for 17 years and loved it! We've been finished for a few years now, but every September I remember my "back to school speech" I gave the kids each year. And we still call our former schoolroom...the schoolroom! I guess it will always hold some terrific memories.

  142. Congratulations on your sales! I'm a follower. As a kid, I loved school. It meant getting new shoes and new crayons and a new Red Chief tablet...(yes..that's a long time ago!)

    Sewfunquilts at sbcglobal dot com

  143. Congrats on the 1000th sales :D

    I am a follower

  144. This is "sew" special! I follow you also. Although it's more years than I care to remember...the best part of back to school was the friendships and seeing everyone again. Will be posting link now!

  145. Well, in my house three out of four of us go to school every day, so back to school brings on the groans from all of us except my husband--he does the "Staples" dance and laughs for two weeks before the return date. I teach high school, our daughter is a sophomore in college, and our son is in the seventh grade this year! I will say that my husband does stop laughing when we actually drop our daughter off at college and school starts because the relaxed days and meals on the table are filled with school schedules and him cooking more than he cares too--but I love it! That is my back to school story! Great giveaway--Thank you for the chance to win!

  146. I am a follower of your blog!

  147. My kids are all grown with kids of their own. With 5 of them back to school was always fun. What wasn't fun was the year when I had three graduations in three different schools in different parts of town!

    I follow you here

    I follow you on Twitter

    ...and I purchased an item this morning from your shop.

    Have an awesome day!

  148. Who could not love this blog....the music this morning has me bopping in my chair....and the graphics are fun too.

    Hey if I win some fabric for enjoying would be a bonus :)

    Back to school son, Zach, started kindergarten this year. I packed some strawberries in his lunch and he came home with them. I asked why he did not eat them. Zach says, "my friend Max, is allergic." Creative little mind he has. Then he said, Jack ate his treat and he wanted another one after school. The best part is....there are no students by those names in his class. LOL


  149. Okay, I'm really excited, because I should be getting the Morning Glory Carryall Clutch. 10 entries for me, right? Do I need to leave 10 comments for it to count? (oh, and I'm "sweetestpetunia" on Etsy) Yay!! =D

    thesweetestpetunia [at] gmail [dot] com

  150. My back to school story involves sending my youngest of five off to college with his very own Yankee quilt. He saw a picture of a quilt he liked and asked that it be transformed to recognize his favorite baseball team. I have to say it turned out great!

    I'd love to win some of those fat quarters--at this point, I'll never live long enough to finish all of the quilts I want to make!

  151. No wild stories I can think of... I have to do a lot of work just to get ready since my 2nd grader has food allergies...Last weeks photos didn't turn out so we do need to do another first day photo. Congratulations!

  152. I am a follower on back to
    school stories . It's been a long time since
    school days for my kids.Just the same
    it always brings back fond memories
    when school does start in our neighborhood.


  153. What? I haven't commented? Yikes!
    I am following here

  154. Back to school - so long ago......

    I do remember that I loved the fresh, pencils, paper and crayons. Mmm and the taste of school glue, good thing that was non-toxic! LOL.

    I remember going to fourth grade. The very last day of 3rd grade I got my first pair of glasses. So almost none of my school mates had seen me in glasses on the first day of school. I thought I looked so different. I remember how disappointed I was that everyone recognized me.

  155. I blogged and linked back to ya too.

  156. Congratulations on achieving an incredible milestone! I'm a follower and I've added a post with a link to your blog on my blog: for a total of three entries. Thank you!

  157. What a delightful giveaway. Count me in.

    Here is my Back To School Story:

    I attended BFF Back To School at Cozy Quilt Shop. Great demonstrations and a way to get excited about fall classes. I've mapped out several classes for my availability and areas I want to learn more. I'm officially in the back to school mode this year. And I'm trying to encourage others to do the same (take classes at their local quilt stores, online, adult ed, etc.).


  158. YOur blog is such fun - and your etsy shop - wow congratulations!!!!

    Every summer I was sent away for the whole vacation, to stay with friends of the family -different friends each year. I would come home the day before school started and have to wash and dry and iron all my clothes and get my supplies. I loved the summers away - but I also loved school so was excited when it came time to get back home for the first day of school.

  159. Great giveaway, Terri! Congrats on the fabulous success of your etsy shop. :)

  160. 1) Back to School comment: We started homeschooling and I am nervous but we're doing allright! Next year is the official year my daughter needs to be in homeschool, so this is a trial year!

    2) I am following you here on blogger Jackie AT

    3) I am following you on twitter "Sharing His Plan" is my twitter name.

    Thank you MUCHO for this give away!!!


  161. That is impressive! You deserve to feel really proud!!

  162. Great Giveaway! Love the fabric.

  163. I am now following you on twitter.

  164. What a great giveaway! Congratulations on your sales, quite a milestone in a short time.
    Thanks for entering me in your drawing.

  165. I am a follower here on the site. Thanks.

  166. I am also following you via twitter now.
